Video of the WeekVideos

Falling Plates: Life-Changing Message – Video of the Week

Falling Plates is a short film that presents a message about life, death, and love through the perspective of Jesus as the savior. The film begins by drawing attention to the unique qualities of each individual and the idea that everything, including the viewer and the universe, was created by a higher power. This higher power is revealed to be Jesus, who is said to love the viewer but who has been separated from them due to the viewer’s sin. The film depicts the viewer as searching for things like happiness and love to fill the void created by this separation, but these efforts are shown to be futile and only serve to further separate the viewer from Jesus and bring them closer to death.

To save the viewer, Jesus is depicted as becoming human, enduring temptation but never sinning, and taking on the viewer’s sin before giving His life in their place. Through this sacrifice, Jesus is able to offer the viewer forgiveness and eternal life. The film ends by inviting the viewer to follow Jesus and continue the conversation about their relationship with Him.