Antioch Team

Good Confession – Video of the Week

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is a source of grace and healing for Catholics. However, it is not uncommon for people to feel anxious or awkward about confessing their sins to a priest. They may worry about what the priest will think of them or wonder if they really need to confess their sins to receive God’s forgiveness.

But it is through Confession that we can be reconciled with God and experience the peace and joy that comes with being forgiven. When we give God the chance to forgive us through his priests, we can find a renewed strength and sense of purpose. Remember, reconciling our relationship with God was Jesus’s idea in the first place. And since God created us, he knows what will truly bring us peace and happiness.

So don’t let distractions keep you away from the healing and saving graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus loves to forgive us and is anxious to do so. By confessing our sins and receiving forgiveness, we can experience the freedom and healing that comes with being reconciled with God.

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