Monday, March 31, 2025
Roman Catholic News

The Nicene Creed – Changes #7 who has spoken through the Prophets

This Week’s Focus on the Change by Fr. James Chelich

“who has spoken through the Prophets.”

The power of God (the Holy Spirit) moves out across the landscape of human history (as it moves out over the landscape of universal time and space) unfolding the will of the Father and fulfilling the Word of the Father.

It was the power of the Holy Spirit who laid hold of the minds of the prophets and moved them to speak.  It was the Word of God that was spoken by the prophets when the Holy Spirit moved them.  It was the mind and saving plan of the Father that the Word of God revealed through the words of the prophets when the Holy Spirit moved them to speak.  Always keep in mind, God is a unity of three Divine Persons and acts as a unity of three Divine Persons.  There is no one “Person” in the Blessed Trinity who acts independent of or contrary to the others.  When we think of how prophecy begins, with a person being moved by God to speak, we naturally (humanly) think of the Holy Spirit as the first agent, although all three Divine Persons are involved simultaneously.

The New Roman Missal
The Nicene Creed
Part 1 – The Creed and “I believe…”
Part 2 – …consubstantial with the Father
Part 3 – Was incarnate of the Virgin Mary
Part 4 – of all things visible and invisible
Part 5 – the only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages
Part 6 – he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures.
Part 7 – who has spoken through the Prophets.
Part 8 – I confess; I look forward to

The Gloria (Glory to God in the Highest)