Friday, March 28, 2025
Video of the WeekVideos

The Skit Guys: God’s Chisel – Video of the Week

Here’s my choice for the next video of the week. It’s another video that Rick introduced to many of us, but it’s a message that we can always be reminded of. I love this video. It has a very distinct connection to Antioch that anyone who’s been on a retreat is sure to recognize.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not felt like you were seeing a masterpiece staring back at you? Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s masterpiece, created to be everything that he has intended for us to be. However, it can be difficult to see ourselves this way at times.

In this video, the speaker shares their own struggles with feeling like they aren’t living up to their full potential as God’s masterpiece. They turn to prayer, asking God to remove anything in their life that is hindering their growth and to mold them into the image of his son.

As the video progresses, the speaker has a conversation with God about their flaws and asks for help in overcoming them. God tells the speaker that they are doing good work, but that they need to let go of their need for control. The speaker admits that this is a struggle for them, as they have been holding onto their need for control for a long time.

God reminds the speaker that his son, Jesus, died on the cross for the pain and sin of humanity, but also to give us freedom. He tells the speaker that they must prepare themselves to serve others instead of themselves. The video ends with a discussion of how we often fall into the pattern of doing the same things over and over, expecting different results, which is the definition of insanity. The speaker is encouraged to let go of their need for control and allow God to work in their life.

This video is a powerful reminder that we are all God’s masterpiece, created with a unique purpose. It can be tough to let go of our own desires and let God take control, but it is worth it in the end. Take some time to watch this video and reflect on how you can allow God to work in your life and help you become the masterpiece that he has created you to be.